Tuesday 11 September 2018

Deep Cover

Ok, it took an extra day but I finished it.  The lighting in the garage is terrible so I set up in the living room to see what it looked like really.

I think I've got enough terrain to safely cover an entire board and I have gratefully retired the Evolution Chamber which I always sort of hated.

The fixtures and fittings took the longest.  There's a huge amount of detail on the Kill Team terrain, which is great because it almost paints itself.  However, I completely misjudged how much time it would take to weather the brass and iron furnishings.

I'm not going to bother basing the ruins because it will take too long (and I want to keep it modular for Kill Team) but this allows me to do interesting interactions with other bits of scenery.

Now I have to finish my Munitorum Armoured Containers kit.  I want to put Red Scorpions heraldry in there to show that its a Nids vs. Space Marines scenario.  Additionally I'm going to use this as my display board at the tournament.  I put about 20 hours into this, I really like it and so I reckon I should use it.

I couldn't quite replicate the darker blues of my original sector mechanicus terrain but its not a glaring mismatch and at some point you've just got to call it done.


  1. I like the contrast between the light pillars and walls and the dark flooring - even if it's not a complete match with the older buildings, it adds visual interest to the pieces from afar.
    I think the buildings will look great as a backdrop for any army!

    1. Thanks Xar, yeah I'm really pleased with it. Especially since I had no idea I was going to build it this time last week.

  2. Yeah, that looks like pretty good coverage for a table. Well, quantity-wise it looks pretty good. Quality-wise, it looks fantastic! I always like seeing tables with a theme like this, especially at events.

    1. Definitely taking this to the event. I was even cheeky and asked the TO if I could play my second game on it so that I could set my army up for the beauty pageant afterward without having to move tables.

    2. Excellent! It was really cool getting to play on the table I brought down to the OFCC. Best of luck at the event!

  3. Brilliant job and great terrain, Rule is cover 25% of table in terrain is about right!

    1. Cheers Siph. Now I want to check that it actually covers 25% by moving all the terrain into a corner. Sigh, I've just packed it all way. It will be fine. I think I just want to play around with it again really.

  4. Looks Great, hopefully you are up against one of the nids players for game 2 for extra fluff bonus!

    1. Thanks, yeah that would be awesome. I'd probably take about a million pictures and completely forget about the game!

  5. Awesome! I got the initial rattle can colors down on mine and got overcome with the scale of the thing - It's got me intimidated to paint. Really dig how yours turned out!

    1. I know what you mean. I would quite like to buy about 8 sets of this terrain and do a huge, sinister gothic cathedral type scene. But there are so many detailed surfaces on the terrain it would take ages to do it justice. Thanks.
