Sunday, 28 July 2019

The Devil Rides Out

 This weekend, Chickenhawk made his debut appearance in a game of Apocalypse of all things, with Alistair, Jordan and Rhys.

I think we played 300 power level, Imperium vs. Chaos (ahh the classics!) but not entirely sure.

Since I haven't bought the game or read the rules and I don't have a Chaos army, this presented a bit of a problem.

Fortunately Jordan brought the 14th Black Crusade with him and flanked my newly painted model with two Warhound Titans, a brace of Chaos Knights, supporting Armigers and assorted Nurgly goodness.

This did not prevent Chickenhawk from being brutally violated in the end but he managed to give a fairly decent account of himself.  It was quite enjoyable and nothing like the all-day marathons of yesteryear.  I may even pick up the rules!

What are rules, really?
Still love my scenery
Grand Melee
Orbital Scan

Newly painted model syndrome strikes!

Infantry did not play a significant role in proceedings
Managed to get a side-by-side with a real Chaos Knight
This reminded me of William Blake's 'Red Dragon' for some reason
Hold the line! (Every single one of those missiles is individually magnetised.  All is right with the world)


  1. Excellent stuff, looks like Big Epic.

    1. Thanks, not quite a Titanwalk but we did have some!

  2. I like the way the colour shift looks in the natural light. Other than that it looks like a fun day with lots of well painted models.

    1. Thanks Rory, give me a shout if you're interested. It was an extremely casual game and I spent most of my time just ogling the Warhounds and other knights but I can always ask.

  3. Looks fantastic in there with all the others. Nice proppa Apoc game.

    I really like everything I've seen of the new Apoc Rules. We've actually been considering adapting it as our standard and doing "Minipocalypse" 100PL games, which are roughly equivalent to 2K games of 8th Ed 40K, but apparently can be pretty reliably finished in under 90 minutes.

    1. Yeah, I was quite surprised at how they've streamlined it. It took 6 hours but we farted around for over half of that just setting up, chatting, looking at models, making pizza and kiwi dip. Only Alistair had actually read the rules, bless him. Cheers.

  4. That's a sweet lot of knights and titans. Man. Great looking game by the looks!

    1. Yeah must resist urge to buy titan. Thanks DAM
