Monday 28 May 2018

Cosmic Powers

Pewter is a surprisingly difficult colour to paint and you don't see many examples.  The reason may be that they made models out of pewter in the ancient mists of time.  You could just varnish it and call it done but you would be unlikely to win any prizes.  A more likely explanation is that painting things the colour of lead is deathly boring.  It doesn't help that the original model of this C'tan shard was cast in white metal and so most people at a tournament will assume that I'm just a slacker.

At any rate, The Nightbringer is finished which means that I have to include it in my list.  Strategy is for the weak.  I had to drop a Doom Scythe from the army to fit him in.  This meant that there was little point in utilising the Sautekh Dynasty keyword which was mainly chosen because it allowed Doom Scythes to hit on 3s with the death ray.  I chose Novokh instead because a dynasty trait called 'Awakened by Murder' sounded awesome.

Since the Novokh trait benefits units in melee only I decided to take more scarabs.  So the Tomb Blades were dropped along with some warriors.  By this time, my army was a completely untested, hot mess so I just submitted the list to the T.O. and to hell with it!  If I can just finish the Heavy Destroyer conversion it will be worth it.

In other news, Rory created a digital model for 6 Necron objective markers and gave me a copy which is awesome.  He threw in some Tyranid ones as well.  How cool is that? They are currently at the printers.  You can get stuff 3D printed at the library now.  In fact, I'm not sure anyone actually reads books at the library these days.  They mostly hang out in the cafeteria area or the IT lounge or avoid the library altogether and just download audio books on OverDrive.

Unfortunately these new mini monolith objective markers mean more things to paint before the tournament, so I'd better get a move on.  I have to use them, it would be rude not to.


  1. Looks great mate, just watch out for Lascannons!

    1. Ha-haa! My invulnerable save is like a shield of... BZZZZZTT!!

  2. The pewter look on the Nightbringer is fantastic! I do see your point about the issues with it, tho.

    I have also followed the same approach to picking stuff that led you to using Novokh here. It hasn't always worked, but sometimes it's worked spectacularly.

    Finally, at least those Objective Markers look like they should be fine with a fairly quick and simple paint job.

    1. Thanks Westrider. Yeah, who wants to be aggressively territorial when they can be awakened by murder?

  3. I don't think that looks like an unpainted miniature at all. In fact the aged depth in his robes is actually quite fascinating to look at. I mean it looks like metal but it doesn't look like unpainted metal.

    Sorry was this Finecast [can't search back through your posts as I currently can only read this through Google's cache]. If it is I bet that's a real head-wreck to pick up because it looks heavy but it wouldn't be.

    My only suggestion would be some slight green reflections on the metal, like over the fold in the 'cloth' on his hip and under his belly. If you're not going for a glow it needs to be subtle but the metal effect is so shiny there must be some. Although it looks like there is under his armpits in the final pic, difficult to tell.

    Regardless it's stunning.

    1. Thanks Dave, yes it is a finecast model and does feel a bit weird when you pick it up. Now that you mention it, the model isn't actually done yet and I forgot to finish the scarabs on the base! Still got quite a bit to paint before the tournament next week so I'll try to fit it in. My previous experiments with OSL have been an absolute disaster however so I'm very wary...

  4. Nice work, man - I really dig how that turned out! Looks fantastic!

    1. Cheers Mordian, I'm glad you don't think it just looks unpainted!

  5. Great looking C'tan! I hope your makeshift list does you well at the tournament.

    Also loving the objective markers, can't wait to see how they turn out. The biggest compliments I get at tournaments are for my custom objective markers. So easy to do, but add a lot to the game.

    1. thanks Mike. Objective markers still not back from the printers. Its going to be a close run thing to get them ready.
