Tuesday 21 August 2018

Primaris Scout Conversions

 This is my third attempt to add cheap troops to my Red Scorpions.  This time, they aren't that cheap but who's counting? (apart from the T.O.)  My first attempt was a Tactical unit cobbled together from all those starter kits that I never seem to finish.  I've not even built all the models in the Dark Vengeance box which was my initial attempt to force my kids to play with me.  This first founding of marines were pretty horrible and I couldn't even bring myself to paint them.

So I bought a box of Horus Heresy Mk IVs and that was better but I got distracted and Rory distracted me even further by suggesting I go all Primaris and gave me some Sniper Rifles to convert some scouts and I bought some 2nd hand Reivers and I liked them so much I bought some new ones and here we are.

I'm pretty happy with these and swear by The Holy Emperor's Bedsores that I will start painting them immediately.  I've gone with a mixture of loadouts, mostly because I got bored with kitbashing sniper rifles.  I wanted to do two of the Horus Heresy missile launchers but had to use one from the scout squad kit which was a bit of a downer but I'm really happy with how he turned out.

I've left two of them as Reivers and will just pretend that they've got shotguns and go unnoticed.  I've got half an eye on Kill Team and would definitely want to build a Red Scorpions squad so I'm keen to have a variety of marines to use. 


  1. Those are some good looking conversion! As you say: Now you will only have to paint them - maybe Kill Team could be a great idea to get there in a timely manner. I also have my eye on a few Teams but I'll have to focus on Gants right now and not get distracted (It's so hard!).
    How come you had to use one missile launcher from the scouts?

    1. Yeah I think the introduction of Kill Team was evil genius on GW's part. Everybody wants in. But then having seen the entry price point of Adeptus Titanicus, I'm not so sure. I thought that the Horus Heresy Mk IV kit only comes with one missile launcher which is why I used the Scout one for the 2nd attempt. I haven't double checked the box tho and don't want to change it now. Thanks Xarfai

  2. Sweet! They will look amazing painted up.

    1. Thanks, I will definitely paint these but now I'm thinking of adding bedrolls to one or two to represent camo cloaks. Maybe some genestealer skulls on the bases too...

  3. I love the dude reloading. And it may be a sin but I like the dude with the scout missile more, he has a better pose, better energy.

    1. I like the scout missile launcher too and he was relatively easy to do. He is basically the out-of-the-box Reiver drawing his combat knife. I just cut the sword bits away and put missile bits on. Necessity is the mother of invention! Thanks for giving me the original idea on these mate.

    2. Yea its your execution that turns these good ideas into awesome stuff. Can I give you a list of ideas? I have lots more..

    3. No! My plastic backlog has become impacted. I need to purge.

  4. Nice! I've been wondering for a while about what differences Primaris Scouts might have, or if they actually go through a different process entirely. I haven't seen anything from GW on the topic, so it's cool to see that at least someone else is thinking along those lines. The Sniper Rifles look great, but I can see how you'd get tired of making them.

    1. I wasn't really thinking about the lore tbh and mainly wanted to do them because they looked cool. Now that you mention it however, I wonder if Primaris do have a different process for neophytes. The first batch would never have trained with regular chapters, would they? Achh, its probably best not to delve too deep into Primaris lore.

  5. Replies
    1. See? Even the cynical and jaded are intrigued.

    2. Would a cynical man have spent the night painting hobbits?

  6. I love the sniper rifle. What bits did you use to create them?

    1. thanks, I used sniper rifles from the scout marine box and the primaris reiver arms.
