Saturday 8 September 2018

Going off-piste

Done no work on the Scouts since Tuesday.  I bought a Deep Cut Studios neoprene mat from Mighty Ape instead.  I paid an extra $20 for the mat bag but I quite like it.  I've been trying to work out an achievable paint scheme to finish the Kill Team terrain in time for the tournament.  I've used one of the small ruins as a test model. 

It was primed with a Zandri Dust rattle can.  Dry brushed with Ushabti Bone, Leadbelcher and Sycorax Bronze.  Washed with Agrax Earthshade.  Dry brush highlighted with Ushabti/Ulthuan Grey and Necron Compound.  Bronze wash of Sepia, steel wash of Nuln Oil.  Then I added Nihilakh Oxide and Typhus Corrosion.  I don't like the Typhus Corrosion so I'm going with AK Light Rust to bring in more brown tones.

I'm going to do the floor panels in the same colour as my existing Sector Mechanicus terrain (Black, Thunderhawk Blue, Fortress Grey (or Astronomican?  I can't remember!)) to try and marry up the two different types of terrain in an aesthetically pleasing manner. I think its doable.  I'm going to try and finish it this weekend.  This may require me to stay sober, so I promise nothing.


  1. Looking good! Did you wash the whole thing with Agrax Earthshade or only down towards the bottom? The fade is really nice.

    1. I washed the whole thing. The drybrush highlights with Ushabti and Ulthuan were only done towards the top to make it look fading. Thanks Xar

    2. Nice! I may have to steal this for my ruins of Osgiliath.

  2. Sounds do-able Scheme, haven’t picked up any of this yet, but I love me some Terrain...

    1. Yeah I didn't finish till Monday evening but was doable. Will post pictures tomorrow. I like this terrain so much I want to use it as my display board.
