Monday 17 July 2017

On the edge-highlight of madness

Squad Panzerschreck complete.  Again it took far longer than I anticipated.  Being a naturally untidy person I struggle to be neat.  I could never stay in the lines when I was given a colouring book whilst growing up and didn't think it mattered.  I had no idea it was an important life skill.

I can do fine detail no problem (although I have to wear reading glasses now) but consistency and uniformity are hard.  Thats why I like tentacles.  I probably should have built and painted the Death Guard in this set.  Chaos is more my style.

But I really like these marines and think I've hit on a good colour scheme so I'm going to crack on.  I'm about half way through now, although I keep looking at the Captain in Gravis armour and fervently wishing that I hadn't glued him together.  He won't come apart with gentle persuasion so I'm going to have to paint the cloak around his backpack, weapon and legs which will be a bit of a nightmare.

The Hellblasters are an interesting squad.  The supercharge rule is a little confusing (although the Designer's Commentary does clarify).  I can re-roll natural 1's with the Captain nearby and avoid blowing myself up.  But if I roll a 2 whilst trying to hit a Flyer (-1 to hit) I still explode (re-rolls always happen before modifiers).  My probability theory is a bit rusty but I think thats a 22% chance of each Hellblaster dude exploding if he tries to supercharge flyers, even though he is stood next to a captain.  Not sure I like those odds.

They are also toughness 4 marines at the end of the day and armour piercing rounds can still tear them apart.  In my last game they were obliterated in the first turn by a Tau Ghostkeel which did 16 damage in one salvo.  Admittedly, it was wielding so many Fusion weapons that I wondered if it might implode into a small black hole but its the sort of thing I'm likely to face in competition.


  1. Beautifully done, man - Those look fantastic!

    1. Thank you. I'm currently painting at about a quarter of the speed you do but will try harder.

  2. Great work, but the explodes if I hit a difficult target is a crap rule! Why is my Plasma Gun more unstable if I aim it at a flyer or Cover? Naf. Our household have deemed the initial (and re-roll) result affect it, not subsequent modifiers. Love your Red Scorpions, the grey is sublime.

    1. Maybe the seals aren't that good, and the plasma is more likely to spill out if you tip them up? ;)

    2. Thanks Siph, I agree the rule is.. odd. However, I much prefer the more abstract ruleset of 8th Ed. and if it means that tanks get into punch-ups or Plasma is suddenly more volatile when shooting Venomthropes then at least I don't have to spend an hour checking rules during a game. A difficult balance.

  3. There's a reason I just drybrush all my highlights. I've seen others spiral into that madness, and I want no part of it. I already have enough other madnesses taking up my time ;) Can't argue with your results, tho; they look great!

    There are definitely some weird consequences from the "re-rolls before modifiers" rule. Just don't overcharge them when shooting at targets with penalties, I guess. Kinda like this joke my stepdad told me back in the day: Guy goes into the doctor's office, says "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this." Doctor says "So don't move your arm like that."

    1. Yep. I love the idea that if you tilt the gun upwards at flying targets then the Plasma spills out and melts your arm. Its what I like about 40k. Weird and implausible but darkly humorous.
