Friday 17 November 2017

Red Scorpions (and Guilliman)

A full shot of my army with Guilliman lurking in the background.  A gentle reminder of who's really running the show. Papa Smurf is my secret, guilty pleasure.  I might have to kick the crutch away however and buy Carab Culln in a Leviathan Dread.  He could be almost as broken as Roboute, surely? Luckily, I can play the 'Its Fluffy!' trump card and hang out with the cool kids again.  With a Leviathan Dread.  Thats a win-win.

I had a lot of fun trying to paint all the vehicles the same colour.  Its 3 years since I painted the Stormraven and Lascannon Razorback and I appear to have lost the scrap of paper with the carefully noted down paints and quantities used.

I opted to buy the Forgeworld transfers for the vehicles.  I would probably have suffered a mental breakdown if I had attempted to paint them by hand.  Plus it was quicker and I was struggling to get them ready in time for the Maelstrom tournament (surprise, surprise!)

I also used Averland Sunset base spray which was an absolute Godsend.  I love the look of it when edge highlighted with Ushabti Bone.  I never would have thought of that and saw it on a Lord Duncan video I think.  I couldn't find it in the Citadel Paint app (which I find myself using more and more frequently) so I guess I must have done.

In other news, I have been playing Shadespire.  I can't decide which faction I like best although the Orks seem a bit lacklustre.  I played a 4 player game at Miramar Freebooters on Monday and Garrek's Reavers rocked.  The mobility of the Reavers is great on the much bigger board size.  I love the Sepulchral Guard too but Steelhearts Champions are my current favourite because you can earn loads of glory by doing sweet F.A. and hiding in a corner.  It often backfires disastrously of course but I'm really enjoying the game so far.

I've started painting up my 'Celtic Sigmarines'.  I'm pretty sure that 'Angharad' is a Welsh name already but I decided to call the other two "O'Brien" and "Sullivan" and paint them green, white and gold.  


  1. Absolutely gorgeous, man! Those are just fantastic - love all the little conversions!

    1. Thanks Mordian. Probably should have finished painting the stealers before doing that close up O_o

  2. LOVE the camo on the tanks and the genestealers on the flyer!!

    1. Cheers. There's an argument that SM don't do camo and Red Scorps especially, but I like how they turned out.

  3. Nice! I'm waiting for the Skaven for Shadespire, myself. I've always liked them, but buying and painting an Army of them (again, I actually had a terribly painted Skaven Army back around the turn of the century) is just too daunting. A Shadespire Warband sounds about perfect.

    1. My eldest son wants the Skaven when they come out. I wonder what their shtick will be? Can't be a horde, there's only 5 models and the Deathrattle cornered that market. I'm guessing ranged attacks or movement shenanigans. The tail-dagger guy is awesome.

  4. Awesome as always. I'm potentially interested in Shadespire. As much as my recent games of 40k have convinced me the game is not completely lost my efforts with Deathwatch Overkill has awakened a need for small manageable games that don't need a bucketload of figures and a game can be run to completion in an evening, not call it done after turn 2 at midnight!

    I must stop myself as it's just more money, maybe Necromunda instead ;)

    1. Thanks Dave, I'm in the same boat. When you have to use a flowchart just to decide which rules to use, its getting a bit much. I generally only play 1500pt 40k at tournaments now where they do a lot of the prep work for you and I can binge on it for 2 days then forget about it. The big plus for me with Shadespire is that my kids like playing it. They show no interest in Necromunda, Deathwatch, Space Hulk etc so I'll stick with that for now.
