I appear to have assembled my Creature Caster 'Queen of Ecstasy' model incorrectly. To be fair, there were no instructions inside the box. Finding them online was not difficult since Creature Caster publish them on their site. Regrettably, it was too late to turn back at this juncture and the spider vibe was kicking in.
Also I had removed her legs. Not a particularly sensible decision but I really didn't like her shoes. They look like something Gene Simmons wore back in his heyday and would undoubtedly play merry hell with her ankles, possibly resulting in injury. Sensible footwear is an absolute must as you get on in years.

Anyway, I bought this model from Rory at Maelstrom the other week. He was going to give it to me for free as long as I promised to actually do something with it. But I haggled and we settled on a very reasonable price. Check out his blog over on Da Techmeks Garage.
I wasn't entirely sure what to do with it to be honest. Those breasts are so outrageously pert, they can't possibly be real. She obviously went in for a bit of surgery and my Adeptus Mechanicus chirurgeons might have gotten the wrong end of the stick. Several wrong ends, in fact. I think I'll have to paint all the skin metallic and make her look like an Iron Golem or something. Her bosoms look panel beaten out of ball-bearing molds. I seem to remember the Hindu goddess Kali being portrayed as dark blue however and this model will have lots of 'arms' when it's done. Maybe the original was inspired by the Goddess? I'm not very good at painting skin though, unless it's necrotic or alien.
Painting her in my Dark Mech colours would be interesting and I could paint the bone textures erm.. bone coloured to break it up. But then how could I play her as daemon in an AdMech army? Additionally, without any projectile weapons she would be of little use as a playing piece. I couldn't play a Slaaneshi temptress in a game unless I fell to Chaos completely and used her as a Keeper of Secrets. A fiendishly interesting model but I'm pretty sure I know what I'd find under that loincloth. Having endured a deeply religious upbringing I'd just get confused. So I'm not playing Chaos and I refuse to start a 5th army. Then again, I promised myself that I would never start a 3rd army. Maybe giving her a huge phallic symbol is the answer. Now I'm really confused.
Painting her in my Dark Mech colours would be interesting and I could paint the bone textures erm.. bone coloured to break it up. But then how could I play her as daemon in an AdMech army? Additionally, without any projectile weapons she would be of little use as a playing piece. I couldn't play a Slaaneshi temptress in a game unless I fell to Chaos completely and used her as a Keeper of Secrets. A fiendishly interesting model but I'm pretty sure I know what I'd find under that loincloth. Having endured a deeply religious upbringing I'd just get confused. So I'm not playing Chaos and I refuse to start a 5th army. Then again, I promised myself that I would never start a 3rd army. Maybe giving her a huge phallic symbol is the answer. Now I'm really confused.
I thought I might as well embrace the madness so I swapped out the spike on her feet for a Redemptor Gatling cannon and I reckon I can model that right hand holding a 'magic missile' (it's a missile, doesn't matter if it's magic or not). Slap it on a Dunecrawler base and call it 'Onager'. Done and done. This is one reason why I love 40k. It engages both hemispheres of the brain. The right side is flitting around saying, 'Make it pretty! I simply can't abide some of the ghastly shit you come up with'. Meanwhile, the left side casually observes, 'Very nice. Let's weaponize this baby and shred something.'
I frequently look at your wild conversions and feel like they are a John Blanche sketch come to life, which I mean in an entirely complimentary way :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'll definitely take that as a compliment.
DeleteThat is a wicked conversion. Creepy as heck with those spider legs; I'm getting Stephen King's IT vibes... "KISS ME, FAT BOY!"
ReplyDeleteYeah, she only gets more spider-like from here on in. Don't worry, I'm not going to make her look like Tim Curry.
DeleteOh but you should!
DeleteToo scary. Bill Skarsgård is worse.
DeleteYes! More legs, more arms! More appendages all together - even better, if they are armed!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see what Giger's ghost whispers into your ear this time.
Thanks Xar, I've got a poster of Giger's 'Li I' on the wall. I don't want to copy it but I definitely want to capture that vibe if I can.
DeleteThis already looks bizarre, can't wait to see how the finished product turns out.
ReplyDeleteNeither can I! Thanks Mike.
DeleteI'm loving the drider look, has Lady Marmalade Ascended or both just have good taste and work well together? Also I know how big a dunecrawler is and I know how big she is and feel like you might need to think bigger? Not that anyone will probably care. Also loving the ways she inviting you closer with the knife behind her back, so subtle compared to the compensator down below. 😉
ReplyDeleteYeah, size might be an issue. I think she might be Lady Marmalade's mommy. She's almost as tall as a knight, even without the legs. If I put her on an Imp. Knight base I don't think too many people would complain about proxying for a Knight. I was surprised you got so much flak over Virago tbh, it fit perfectly with the theme of your army. But it was probably the base size that most people had issue with. Hmmm. I dunno, I'll have to have a think about that.